Sota FFFTP is a very simple and handy application that allows file transfers between user PC and FTP servers (on the web).
The application can perform transfers and keep on working on other files in local or remote sites.
The program uses multithread technology for safer and faster file transfers.
A good feature that this small application offers, is the capability of 'mirroring' both ways (local to remote and viceversa, if user selects so), that automatically transfers only the files that are changed, avoiding the transfer of all the files one by one.
Another features enable the user to rename files, select mirror download or mirror upload only, filter files type by using semicolons, search files by the name, select files, sort files in the local or remote lists by name, extension, date, size, etc. Also, the application is able to automatically create 'one time' password for being used once. Transfer selection as ASCII, Binary, etc. convert file names to upper or lower case, etc.
Users can transfer complete directories and folders (and subfolders) at once.